Chemical Stoichimetry - AP Chemistry Chapter 3


  • Law of conservation of mass (质量守恒定律)
  • 化学反应论“个”算
  • 化学方程式:反应物,生成物,微观粒子个数比(化学计量比,数量效应),聚集态,反应条件,化学反应热效应

Reaction Type

Combination reaction

  • 两种物质合成一种物质,宏观上来看是多个物质合成一种物质
  • e.g. $\ce{NH_3(g) + HCl(g) -> NH_4Cl(s)}$

Decomposition reaction

  • 一种物质分解为多种物质
  • e.g. $\ce{2KMnO_4(s) ->[Heat] K_2MnO_4(s) + MnO_2(s) + O_2(g)}$

Single displacement reaction (置换反应)

  • 单质+化合物 -> 单质+化合物。电子转移
  • e.g. $\ce{Zn(s) + H_2SO_4(l) -> ZnSO_4 (l) + H_2(g)}$

Double displacement reaction (复分解反应)

  • 离子转移,电子不能转移
  • e.g. $\ce{NaCl(aq) + AgNO_3(aq) -> AgCl(s) + NaNO_3(aq)}$

Combustion reaction

  • 燃料和氧化剂(通常是氧气)之间的高温放热氧化还原反应(一种物质和氧气燃烧)。
  • e.g. $\ce{CH4(g) + 2O2(g) -> CO2(g) + 2H2O(g)}$

Basic Stoichiometry Concepts & Physical Quantities

  • amu(质量单位): 1amu=m(C-12)

Introduction to Limits

Limits: The Basic Idea

The intuitive meaning of $\lim\limits_{x \to c} f(x)$

For example: function

x-1& \text{if x!=2} \\
3& \text{if x=2}

The graph is:

From the graph, in this function, $f(2)=2$. However, $\lim\limits_{x \to 2} f(x)$ is not 2. It is the only value where x is very very close to 2, not actually 2. From the graph, it is easy to claim that the value where x is close to 2 is 1 ($f(1.999)=0.999$, $f(1.99999)=0.99999$, $f(2.001)=1.001$, $f(2.00001)=1.00001$). So we can write this statement as
$$\lim\limits_{x \to 2} f(x) = 2$$
And this statement also could write as $$f(x)\rightarrow 1 \quad \textrm{as} \quad x\rightarrow 2.$$
Also, here is a important things that when you write something like $\lim\limits_{x \to 2} f(x) = 2$, $\lim\limits_{x \to 2} f(x)$ is not a function of x. We could replace x into whatever you want, like $\lim\limits_{q \to 2} f(q) = 2$. The letter “x” is only a temporary label for some quantity that is (in this case) getting very close to 2.

Left-Hand and Right-Hand Limits

If there is a funtion f(x), and the graph is:




The intuitive meaning of $\lim\limits_{x \to c} f(x)$

For example: function

x-1& \text{if x!=2} \\
3& \text{if x=2}

The graph is:

From the graph, in this function, $f(2)=2$. However, $\lim\limits_{x \to 2} f(x)$ is not 2. It is the only value where x is very very close to 2, not actually 2. From the graph, it is easy to claim that the value where x is close to 2 is 1 ($f(1.999)=0.999, f(1.99999)=0.99999, f(2.001)=1.001, f(2.00001)=1.00001$). So we can write this statement as
$$\lim\limits_{x \to 2} f(x) = 2$$
And this statement also could write as $$f(x)\rightarrow 1 \quad \textrm{as} \quad x\rightarrow 2.$$
Also, here is a important things that when you write something like $\lim\limits_{x \to 2} f(x) = 2$, $\lim\limits_{x \to 2} f(x)$ is not a function of x. We could replace x into whatever you want, like $\lim\limits_{q \to 2} f(q) = 2$. The letter “x” is only a temporary label for some quantity that is (in this case) getting very close to 2.

Left-Hand and Right-Hand Limits

If there is a funtion f(x), and the graph is:



  1. Dominant:
    1. dominant allele:the allele that is expressed when two different alleles or two dominant alleles are present
    2. symbol: Uppercase letters
    3. Dominant trait/character: to cross two homozygous parents with a pair of relative character, the trait that is presented in F1
    4. essence:it depends on the nature of the protein that is, or is not made

  1. Pyrimidine:
    1. Definition: it is a kind of heterocyclic compound
    2. Components: Thymine ,Cytosine and Uracil
    3. Characteristics: their bases have single carbon rings

  1. Base-pairing rule:
    1. Definition:thymine(T) always pair with adenine(A), and cytosine(C) always pair with guanine(G).
    2. Principle: the sizes and the ability of the bases to form hydrogen bonds with each other
    3. Paring method: A-T-two hydrogen bond, C-G-three hydrogen bond
    4. Founder: Chargaff’s rules (all four base are found in each organism, and the proportion of the four bases are different)

  1. Recessive:
    1. Recessive allele: that expressed only when two copies are present.
    2. Symbol: lowercase letters
    3. Recessive trait/character: to cross two homozygous parents with a pair of relative character, the trait that is not presented in F1
    4. essence:it depends on the nature of the protein that is , or is not made

  1. Gene:
    1. Definition: it’s a piece of DNA that provides a set of instructions to a cell to make a certain protein
    2. Function: instructions to a cell to make a certain protein
    3. Locus: a specific position on a pair of the homologous chromosomes

  1. mRNA:
    1. Definition:is an intermediate message that is translate to form a protein
    2. Production: in control dogma, transcription of DNA.
    3. Characteristics: Single strand+ A\U\C\G+
    4. Function: as a temporary copy of DNA that is used and then destroyed

  1. Genotype:
    1. Definition: refers to the genetic make up of a specific set of genes.
    2. Characteristics:includes both of the genes that code for one traits, even if one of these genes is masked.
    3. Classification:homozygous/heterozygous
    4. Function:determines phenotype

  1. DNA polymerase
    1. Definition: is a group of enzyme that bond the new nucleotides together
    2. Function: can form bond between nucleotides during replication
    3. Position: moves along a DNA strand
    4. Characteristics: it needs a primer; from 5’ to 3’ direction

  1. Bacteriophage:
    1. Definition: is a type of virus that can infect bacteria
    2. Components: protein coat + DNA
    3. Ways to infect: adhere to the bacteria . Inject the DNA, copy DNA and protein,

  1. Primer:
    1. Definition: short, single strand DNA or RNA that serves as an attachment point for DNA polymerase
    2. Production: another enzyme( primase )starts making them after DNA strands are separated
    3. Function: exposed nucleotide bases on a single strand of DNA form hydrogen bonds with complementary bases of primer

  1. Semiconservative replication:
    1. Definition:describes the process of DNA replication in which one strand of each copy of a DNA molecule is new,and the other is a strand of the original DNA
    2. Purpose: assures that every cell has a complete set of identical genetic information
    3. Time: during S(synthesis) stage of the cell cycle

  1. Phenotype:
    1. Definition: the physical characteristics, or traits of an individual organism make up it.
    2. Expression in different individuals:Recessive/Dominant character
    3. Characteristic: determined by genotype; the phenotype is for visible traits, the hidden genes doesn’t matter to this phenotype.

  1. Segregation of characters:
    1. Definition:The offspring emerges an new trait that haven’t shown among its parents.
    2. Application: the new appearing character must be recessive trait
    3. Characteristic: parents must be heterozygous
    4. Foundation: law of segregation

  1. Homozygous:
    1. Definition:it describes two same alleles at a specific locus.
    2. Characteristic: the genes in two locus of a pair of homologous chromosomes are the same
    3. Relationship with allele: only have recessive/dominant allele

  1. Heterozygous
    1. Definition:it describes two different alleles at a specific locus.
    2. Characteristic: the genes in two locus of a pair of homologous chromosomes are different
    3. Relationship with allele: Have both Recessive/ Dominant allele

  1. Multiplication rule:
    1. Definition: multiply the probability of each event
    2. Function:the calculate the probability that two independent events will happen together
    3. Application: to calculate how many kinds of germ cell that can be produced; to calculate the probability of the offspring that will be heterozygous/homozygous

  1. Addition rule
    1. Definition: plus the probability of each event
    2. Function:the calculate the probability that one of the independent events will happen.
    3. Application: to calculate the probability of the offspring that will be heterozygous/ homozygous


1 Oxidation-reduction reaction (Redox reaction) 氧化还原反应 (Ch 16)

1.1 Redox reaction 氧化还原反应

Oxidation-reduction reaction(氧化还原反应)的物理本质是电子转移

  1. Oxidation: 失去电子的过程,氧化反应
  2. Reduction: 得到电子的过程,还原反应
  3. reducing agent: 还原剂,氧化别人自己被还原
  4. oxidizing agent: 氧化剂,被氧化别人自己被还原

$$\ce{C(s) + O_2(g) ->[ignite] CO_2(g)}$$
在这个反应过程中,$C$是reducing agent(还原剂),$O_2$是oxidizing agent(氧化剂)。$C$被$O_2$氧化(be oxidized),还原(reduced)$O_2$,失去电子;$O_2$被$C$还原(be reduced),氧化(oxidized)$C$,得到电子。

1.2 oxidation number: 从单质状态到当前状态的过程的电子转移。

该部分需要做到给任意一个化合物,能够判断出其中各个元素的oxidation number;以及给一方程式,能够判断oxidation number的变化。

$$ \overset{+4}{C}\overset{-2}{O_2}$$
$\overset{+4}{C}$说明$C$的oxidation number为+4,从单质状态经历了4次oxidation,$\overset{-2}{O_2}$说明$O$的ocxidation number为-2,从单质状态经历了2次reduction。数值上其实就是“失去电子的个数“(正为失去,负为得到)。而整体为0,是因为无论是$C$还是$O$都是从单质状态下变成这个样子(显电中性)。

注意要和离子的电荷区分开,离子的电荷是指栗子当前的状态带几单位的正电荷,而oxidation number是指从单质状态到当前状态的过程的电子转移。
$$\overset{+2}{Mg^{2+}} \quad \overset{-1}{Cl^-}$$
$\overset{+2}{Mg}$的$+2$是$Mg$的oxidation number,到目前这个状态失去了两单位电子,经历了两次oxidation,而${Mg}^{2+}$的$2+$是离子的电荷,是指当前${Mg}^{2+}$这个状态带了2单位的正电荷。同理,$\overset{-1}{Cl}$的$-1$是$Cl$的oxidation number,而${Cl}^{-}$的$-$是离子的电荷,是指当前${Cl}^{-}$这个状态带了1单位的负电荷。

$$\overset{0}{Zn} \quad \overset{+2}{Zn^{2+}} \quad \overset{+2}{Zn}\overset{+6}{S}\overset{-2}{O_4} \quad \overset{+1}{H}\overset{+5}{N}\overset{-2}{O_3}(aq) \quad \overset{+1}{K_2}\overset{+6}{Cr_2}\overset{-2}{O_7}(aq)$$

1.3 电子转移分析及配平(4’*2)


  1. $\ce{\overset{0}{Zn}(s) + \overset{+1}{H}_2SO4(aq) -> \overset{-2}{Zn}SO4(aq) + \overset{0}{H}_2(g)}$

  2. $3\ce{\overset{0}{Cu}(s) + 8H\overset{+5}{N}O3 -> 3\overset{+2}{Cu}(NO3)2(aq) + 2\overset{+2}{N}O(g) +4H2O(l)}$


    需要注意的是,在这个过程中,有一部分N没有经历电子转移。在这个过程中,只有两个$N$经历了电子转移,而另外六个$N$没有经历电子转移,它们的oxidation number没有变化,仍然是+5。这是因为$N$在$HNO_3$中的oxidation number就是+5,而在$Cu(NO_3)_2$中的oxidation number也是+5,所以这六个$N$没有经历电子转移。这六个$N$在这个过程中只是在不同的物质中,而没有经历电子转移,它们的oxidation number没有变化。
  3. $\ce{\overset{0}{Cl}_2(g) + 2NaOH(aq) -> Na\overset{-1}{Cl}(aq) + Na\overset{+1}(Cl)O(aq) + H2O(l)}$

    需要注意的是,在这个过程中,Cl自己和自己发生电子转移。在特殊情况下,同一物质自己转移电子这件事情是可能发生的。在这种情况下,$Cl$自己既是oxidizing agent, 也是reducing agent.

1.4 氧化还原反应应用 (化学方程式需要重点关注)


$$\ce{\overset{+3}{Fe}_2O3(s) + 3\overset{+2}{C}O(g) ->[high temp] 2\overset{0}{Fe}(s) + 3\overset{+4}{CO}_2}(g)$$
$$\ce{C(s) + O2(g)->[ignite] CO2(g)}$$
$$\ce{C(s) + CO2(g) ->[high temp] 2CO(g)}$$
$$\ce{CaCO3 ->[high temp] CaO + CO2}$$
$$\ce{SiO2(s) + CaO(s) ->[high temp] CaSiO3(l)}$$


$\ce{C(s) + O2(g)->[ignite] CO2(g)}$,$\ce{C(s) + CO2(g) ->[high temp] 2CO(g)}$ 这两步可以生成$CO$用来还原$Fe$。
$\ce{CaCO3 ->[high temp] CaO + CO2}$,这一步有两个作用。一方面可以生成$CO_2$,再添加焦炭可以生成$CO$用来还原$Fe$;另一方面,生成的$CaO$可以和$SiO_2$反应,生成$CaSiO_3$,这一步的作用是将铁矿石中的石头变成液体方便流出,提高铁的纯度(如果是固体的话,很难讲石头从铁矿石中弄走)。

注意需要进行区分,以上的前三个化学方程式都是Redox reaction,但是最后一个并不是:
$$\ce{SiO2(s) + CaO(s) ->[high temp] CaSiO3(l)}$$
在这个过程中,$Si$和$O$的oxidation number都没有发生变化,所以这个过程不是Redox reaction。这个反应是酸性氧化物和碱性氧化物发生反应,生成盐(离子化合物,但在高温状态下为液体)。


$$\ce{Cl2(g) + 2NaOH(aq) -> NaCl(aq) + Na\overset{+1}{Cl}O(aq) + H2O(l)}$$


$$\ce{3Fe(s) + 2O2(g) ->[high temp] Fe3O4(s)}$$
通过这个反应,在铁的表面形成一层致密的氧化层,称之为烤蓝。同时,涂一层油漆也是一种很好的防止金属腐蚀的方法其他方法详见Ch 1。





第一部分 矩阵的分类与不变量


  1. $A$,$B$等价

    $A$, $B$等价$\iff A$可以通过初等行变换或者初等列变换变成$B$.
    A=P\begin{pmatrix}E_r & O \\ O & O\end{pmatrix}Q,
    其中$r=\operatorname{rank}(A)=\operatorname{rank}(B)$,$E_r$是$r$阶单位矩阵,$O$是零矩阵。这个分解式称为$A$的标准分解式。这里,秩是矩阵的一个重要的不变量,它表示矩阵的最大线性无关行(或列数),也就是矩阵所对应的线性映射的秩。等价关系具有自反性、对称性和传递性,因此可以把所有$m \times n$矩阵分为若千个等价类,每个等价类中的矩阵都有相同的秩,并且都可以化为如上所示的标准形。


    • 等价关系是一种等价关系,即满足自反性、对称性和传递性。
    • 等价关系不改变矩阵的秩,即$\operatorname{rank}(A)=\operatorname{rank}(B)$。
    • 等价关系可以用初等变换来实现,即通过有限次的行变换或列变换,可以把一个矩阵变成另一个等价的矩阵。
    • 等价关系可以用于判断两个矩阵是否相等,即两个矩阵相等的充分必要条件是它们等价于同一个标准形。
  2. $A$,$B$相似

    $A$, $B$相似$\iff$存在$n$阶可逆矩阵$P$,使得$B=P^{-1}AP$.

    或者说,如果它们表示同一个线性映射在不同基下的矩阵。相似关系也具有自反性、对称性和传递性,因此可以把所有nxn矩阵分为若千个相似类,每个相似类中的矩阵都有相同的特征多项式、特征值、迹和行列式等代数不变量。另外每个相似类中都存在一个最简单的标准形,称为 Jordan 标准形,它是由若干个 Jordan 块组成的分块对角矩阵,每个Jordan 块是一个上三角矩阵,其主对角线上都是同一个特征值,其次对角线上都是 1。 Jordan 标淮形在不计较 Jordan块顺序的情况下是唯一确定的。另外,如果一个矩阵可以相似对角化,即相似于一个对角矩阵,则它必须满足其最小多项式没有重根。


    • 相似关系是一种等价关系,即满足自反性、对称性和传递性。
    • 相似关系不改变矩阵的特征值和特征多项式,即$\det(A-\lambda I)=\det(B-\lambda I)$。
    • 相似关系可以用于判断两个矩阵是否相同,即两个矩阵相同的充分必要条件是它们相似于同一个对角形。
    • 相似关系可以用于求解线性方程组或线性微分方程组,即通过相似变换,可以把一个复杂的方程组化为一个简单的方程组。
  3. $A$,$B$合同

    $A$, $B$合同$\iff$存在$n$阶可逆矩阵$P$,使得$B=P^TAP$.

    或者说,如果它们表示同一个二次型在不同基下的矩阵。合同关系也具有自反性、对称性和传递性,因此可以把所有nxn矩阵分为若干个合同类。对于实对称矩阵而言,它们合同的充分必要条件是它们具有相同的正惯性指数和负惯性指数,这两个数表示实对称矩阵所对应的二次型正定部分和负定部分的维数。另外,每个合同类中都存在一个最简单的标淮形,称为规范形,它是由若干个1和-1 组成的对角矩阵。规范形在不计较1 和-1顺序的情况 下是唯一确定的。另外,如果一个实对称矩阵是正定或负定或半正定或半负定,则它必须满足其所有特征值都是正数或负数或非负数或非正数。


    • 合同关系是一种等价关系,即满足自反性、对称性和传递性。
    • 合同关系不改变矩阵的秩和正惯性指数(正特征值的个数),即$\operatorname{rank}(A)=\operatorname{rank}(B)$,$\operatorname{p}(A)=\operatorname{p}(B)$。
    • 合同关系可以用于判断两个实对称矩阵是否相等,即两个实对称矩阵相等的充分必要条件是它们合同于同一个对角形,并且对角元素按从大到小排列。
    • 合同关系可以用于求解实二次型或实二次微分方程组,即通过合同变换,可以把一个复杂的二次型化为一个标准形或规范形。

第二部分 矩阵分解

  1. 核心-幂零分解:任意一个$n\times n$复矩阵$A$都可以唯一地分解为
    其中$r(\operatorname{rank}(A_1))=r(\operatorname{rank}(A_2))=r(\operatorname{rank}(A))$, $A_1A_2=A_2A_1=O$, $A_2^k=O$, 其中$k>0$. 这个分解式称为核心-幂零分解。它具有以下性质:

    • $A_1=AAdA$, 其中$dA=A^+$是Drazin逆(广义逆)。
    • $A_2=A-AAdA=(I-A^+A)A=A(I-AA^+)$.
    • $d(A_1)=d(A)$, $d(A_2)=0$, 其中$d(A)$表示最小多项式(最小次数且能整除特征多项式)。
    • $s(A_1)=s(A)$, $s(A_2)=0$, 其中$s(A)$表示谱半径(最大模特征值)。

    核心-幂零分解是指把一个$n \times n$复矩阵$A$分解成两个矩阵$A_1$和$A_2$的和,其中$A_1$是$A$的核心部分,即满足$A_1^2$=$A_1$的部分,而$A_2$是幂零部分,即满足$A_2^k=0$的部分,而且这两个部分相互正交,即$A_1A_2=A_2A_1=0$。这种分解可以用如下定理给出:

    设$A$为$n \times n$复矩阵,则存在$n \times n$复矩阵 $A_1$, $A_2$ 满足,$A=A1 +A2$且

    • $\operatorname{rank}(A_1^2)=\operatorname{rank}(A_1)$,
    • $A_1A_2=A_2A_1=0$
    • $A_2$是幂零矩阵, 即存在正整数$k$,使得$A_2^k=0$。
  2. Hartwig-Spindelböck分解:任意一个$n\times n$复矩阵$A$都可以唯一地分解为

    A=U\begin{pmatrix}\Sigma K & \Sigma L \\ O & O \end{pmatrix}U^H,

    其中$\Sigma=\operatorname{diag}(\sqrt{\lambda_1},\ldots,\sqrt{\lambda_r})$, $\lambda_1,\ldots,\lambda_r>0$是非零奇异值(非零特征值), $K,L,O,U,U^H$都是酉矩阵(满足 $UU^H=U^HU=I$, $I$是单位矩阵),并且满足 $KK^H+LL^H=I$. 这个分解式称为Hartwig-Spindelböck分解。它具有以下性质:

    • $K,L,O,U,U^H$都与$\Sigma,A,A^H,AA^H,A^HA$相容(满足交换律)。
    • $\Sigma K,\Sigma L,O,O$都与$\Sigma,A,A^H,AA^H,A^HA$不相容(不满足交换律)。
    • $\Sigma K,\Sigma L,O,O$都与$\Sigma K,\Sigma L,O,O$相容(满足交换律)。
    • $\Sigma K,\Sigma L,O,O$都与$\Sigma K,\Sigma L,O,O$不可约(不能再进一步分解)。
  3. Core-EP分解: 将一个矩阵分解为一个半单矩阵和一个可逆矩阵的和,其中半单矩阵是指与对角矩阵相似的矩阵。

  4. EP-幂零分解: 将一个矩阵分解为一个可逆矩阵和一个幂零矩阵的和,其中幂零矩阵是指存在正整数k使得矩阵的k次方为零矩阵。

  5. 广义逆矩阵:任意一个$m\times n$复矩阵 $X$都存在一个$n\times m$复矩阵 $X^{(k)}$满足以下四个条件:
    XX^{(k)}X=X, \quad X^{(k)}XX^{(k)}=X^{(k)}, \quad (XX^{(k)})^H=XX^{(k)}, \quad (X^{(k)}X)^H=X^{(k)}X.

    这个矩阵 $X^{(k)}$称为 $X$的广义逆矩阵,其中 $k$是一个非负整数,表示 $X^{(k)}$的秩。广义逆矩阵具有以下性质:

    • 广义逆矩阵是唯一的,即如果 $X^{(k)}$和 $Y^{(k)}$都是 $X$的广义逆矩阵,则 $X^{(k)}=Y^{(k)}$.
    • 广义逆矩阵的秩等于原矩阵的秩,即 $\operatorname{rank}(X)=\operatorname{rank}(X^{(k)})=k$.
    • 广义逆矩阵的广义逆矩阵等于原矩阵,即 $(X^{(k)})^{(k)}=X$.
    • 广义逆矩阵可以用于求解线性方程组或线性最小二乘问题,即如果 $AX=B$是一个线性方程组或线性最小二乘问题,则 $A^{(k)}B$是一个解,其中 $A^{(k)}$是 $A$的广义逆矩阵。
    • 广义逆矩阵可以用Hartwig-Spindelböck分解来求得,即如果
      A=U\begin{pmatrix}\Sigma K & \Sigma L \\ O & O \end{pmatrix}U^*
      是 $A$的Hartwig-Spindelböck分解,则
      A^{(k)}=U\begin{pmatrix}K\Sigma^{-1} & O \\ O & O \end{pmatrix}U^*
      $$是 $A$的广义逆矩阵。




  1. Schmidt正交化方法是最常用的方法,它的基本思想是将矩阵的列向量进行正交化和单位化,得到一个列正交矩阵Q和一个非奇异上三角矩阵R。这种方法利用了正交向量组的等价性和线性无关性。
  2. 初等变换方法是利用矩阵的第三种行和列初等变换,将矩阵A转化为对称正定矩阵A^T A,然后对A^T A同时进行相应的行和列初等变换,得到一个对角矩阵D,其中对角元素全为正数。再利用D构造一个非奇异上三角矩阵R和一个列正交矩阵Q。
  3. Givens变换方法是利用Givens矩阵,也称为平面旋转矩阵,对矩阵A进行左乘,使得A的某些元素变为零,从而得到一个上三角矩阵R。Givens矩阵是一个正交矩阵,它只在某两个坐标轴上进行旋转,不改变其他坐标轴上的元素。通过逆序地将所有Givens矩阵相乘,可以得到一个列正交矩阵Q。

1 Schmidt正交化方法


  1. 令$\alpha_1 = a_1$,其中$a_1$是矩阵A的第一列向量。
  2. 令$q_1 = \frac{\alpha_1}{|\alpha_1|}$,其中$|\cdot|$表示向量的模长。
  3. 对于$i=2,3,\dots,n$,令$\alpha_i = a_i - \sum_{j=1}^{i-1}(q_j^T a_i)q_j$,其中$a_i$是矩阵A的第i列向量,$q_j$是已经求出的第j个单位正交向量。
  4. 令$q_i = \frac{\alpha_i}{|\alpha_i|}$。
  5. 最后得到$Q=[q_1,q_2,\dots,q_n]$和$R=Q^T A$。

  1. 从矩阵A中取出第一列向量$a1$,将其单位化,得到$q1$。

  2. 从矩阵A中取出第二列向量$a2$,将其减去与$q1$的投影,得到一个与$q1$正交的向量$b2$,然后将其单位化,得到$q2$。(注意:这里的投影是指向量在另一个向量上的投影,即向量在另一个向量上的投影长度乘以另一个向量的单位向量。)

  3. 重复上述过程,直到取出所有的列向量,得到一组正交单位向量$q1,q2,…,qn$。

  4. 将这组向量作为矩阵$Q$的列向量,即$Q=[q1,q2,…,qn]$。

  5. 计算$R=Q^TA$,其中$Q^T$是$Q$的转置矩阵。由于$Q$是正交矩阵,$Q^TQ=I$,所以$R=AQQ^TA$。由于$Q$的列向量是正交的,$R$是一个上三角矩阵。

例如,对于矩阵$$A=\begin{bmatrix}1 & -1 & 4 \\ 1 & 4 & -2 \\ 1 & 4 & 2 \\ 1 & -1 & 0 \end{bmatrix}$$,我们可以按照上述步骤求出$$Q=\begin{bmatrix}0.5 & -0.5 & 0.5 \\ 0.5 & 0.5 & -0.5 \\ 0.5 & 0.5 & 0.5 \\ 0.5 & -0.5 & -0.5 \end{bmatrix}$$和$$R=\begin{bmatrix}2 & 3 & 2 \\ 0 & 5 & -2 \\ 0 & 0 & \sqrt{10} \end{bmatrix}$$

注: 步骤1-3位为Gram–Schmidt过程,具体过程如下:
给定一组线性无关的向量${v_1, …, v_k}$,Gram–Schmidt过程可以产生一组标准正交的向量${u_1, …, u_k}$,使得
$$u_1 = \frac{v_1}{|v_1|}$$
$$u_i = \frac{v_i - \sum_{j=1}^{i-1} \langle v_i, u_j \rangle u_j}{|v_i - \sum_{j=1}^{i-1} \langle v_i, u_j \rangle u_j|}, \quad i = 2, …, k$$
其中$\langle \cdot, \cdot \rangle$表示内积,$|\cdot|$表示向量的范数(长度)。


2 初等变换方法

这种方法是利用矩阵的第三种行和列初等变换,将矩阵A转化为对称正定矩阵$A^T A$,然后对$A^T A$同时进行相应的行和列初等变换,得到一个对角矩阵D,其中对角元素全为正数。再利用D构造一个非奇异上三角矩阵R和一个列正交矩阵Q。具体步骤如下:

  1. 对于$i=1,2,\dots,n-1$,令$p_{ii}=a_{ii}$,其中$a_{ii}$是矩阵A的第i行第i列元素。
  2. 对于$j=i+1,i+2,\dots,n$,令$p_{ij}=a_{ij}-\frac{a_{ii}}{p_{ii}}a_{ji}$,其中$a_{ij}$和$a_{ji}$是矩阵A的第i行第j列和第j行第i列元素。
  3. 对于$k=i+1,i+2,\dots,n$,令$p_{kk}=a_{kk}-\sum_{j=i+1}^{k-1}\frac{p_{kj}^2}{p_{jj}}$。
  4. 对于$k=i+2,i+3,\dots,n$和$j=i+1,i+2,\dots,k-1$,令$p_{kj}=a_{kj}-\sum_{s=i+1}^{j-1}\frac{p_{ks}}{p_{ss}}p_{sj}$。
  5. 最后得到$P=[p_{ij}]$和$D=P^T P$。
  6. 对于$i=1,2,\dots,n$,令$r_{ii}=\sqrt{d_{ii}}$,其中$d_{ii}$是矩阵D的第i行第i列元素。
  7. 对于$i=1,2,\dots,n-1$和$j=i+1,i+2,\dots,n$,令$r_{ij}=\frac{p_{ij}}{r_{ii}}$。
  8. 最后得到$R=[r_{ij}]$和$Q=A R^{-1}$。

  1. 将矩阵$A$转置乘以$A$,得到一个对称正定矩阵$B=A^TA$。
  2. 对$B$进行第三种行和列初等变换,使得$B$变成一个对角矩阵$D$,并记录每次变换所用的初等矩阵$P_i$和$Q_i$。
  3. 对$D$开平方根,得到一个非奇异上三角矩阵$R$。
  4. 将所有的$P_i$和$Q_i$相乘,得到一个正交矩阵$Q$。

例如,对于矩阵$$A=\begin{bmatrix}3 & -6 \\ 4 & -8 \end{bmatrix}$$,我们可以按照上述步骤求出$$P=\begin{bmatrix}3 & -6 \\ 4 & -4 \end{bmatrix}$$,$$D=\begin{bmatrix}25 & -50 \\ -50 &100 \end{bmatrix}$$,$$R=\begin{bmatrix}5 & -10 \\ 0 &10 \end{bmatrix}$$和$$Q=\begin{bmatrix}-0.6 & -0.8 \\ -0.8 &0.6 \end{bmatrix}$$

3 Givens变换方法


  1. 从矩阵A的第一列开始,依次对每一列进行Givens变换,使得每一列除了对角线上的元素外,其他元素都变为零,得到一个上三角矩阵R。
  2. 记录每次变换所用的Givens矩阵$G_i$,并将它们逆序相乘,得到一个正交矩阵Q。














定理3:设$A,B\in C^{n\times n}$,其中有一为对称矩阵,另一为反对称矩阵,则$\mathrm{tr}AB=0$。


$$A=\begin{pmatrix} a_{11} & a_{12} & \cdots & a_{1n} \\ a_{12} & a_{22} & \cdots & a_{2n} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots &\vdots \\ a_{1n} & a_{2n} & \cdots & a_{nn} \end{pmatrix}, $$

$$B=\begin{pmatrix} 0&b_{12}&\cdots&b_{1n}\\ -b_{12}&0&\cdots&b_{2n}\\ \vdots&\vdots&\ddots&\vdots\\ -b_{1n}&-b_{2n}&\cdots&0 \end{pmatrix}$$

$$ AB=\begin{pmatrix} a_{11}b_{12}-a_{12}b_{12}&a_{11}b_{13}-a_{13}b_{12}&\cdots&a_{11}b_{1n}-a_{1n}b_{12}\\ -a_{11}b_{12}+a_{12}b_{11}&-a_{11}b_{13}+a_{13}b_{11}&\cdots&-a_{11}b_{1n}+a_{1n}b_{11}\\ \vdots&\vdots&\ddots&\vdots\\ -a_{11}b_{21}+a_{21}b_{11}&-a_{11}b_{31}+a_{31}b_{11}&\cdots&-a_{11}b_{n1}+a_{n1}b_{11} \end{pmatrix}.$$

记 $C=AB$,则
\mathrm{tr}AB=\mathrm{tr}C=\sum^n_i=1c_ii=\sum^n_i=1(\sum^n_j=1 a_ij b_ji)=0.


定理4:设 $A,B,C $都是 $n $ 阶反对称矩阵,则
$$\mathrm{tr}(ABC)= \mathrm{tr}(BCA)= \mathrm{tr}(CAB)=- \mathrm{tr}(CBA)=- \mathrm{tr}(BAC)=- \mathrm{tr}(ACB)$$

证明:因为 $A,B,C $都是 $n $ 阶反对称矩阵,即 $A^T=- A,B^T=- B,C^T=-C $。
\mathrm{tr}(ABC)= \mathrm{tr}(ABC)^T= \mathrm{tr}(C^TB^TA^T)= \mathrm{tr}[(-C)(-B)(-A)]= \mathrm{tr}{(-CBA)}= - \mathrm{tr}{(CBA)}.
\mathrm{tr}(ABC)= \mathrm{tr}(BCA)= \mathrm{tr}(CAB),

\mathrm{tr}(CBA)= \mathrm{tr}(BAC)= \mathrm{tr}(ACB).

\mathrm{tr}(ABC)= \mathrm{tr}(BCA)= \mathrm{tr}(CAB)=- \mathrm{tr}(CBA)=- \mathrm{tr}(BAC)=- \mathrm{tr}(ACB).










因为$\alpha\neq 0$,所以$\alpha\alpha^H\neq 0$,从而可得




定理7:设 $A,B $都是 $n $ 阶反对称矩阵,则 $\mathrm{tr}(AB) \leqslant 0 $。

证明:由定理6,知 $A,B $的特征值都是纯虚数或零。设 $\{\lambda_i\}_{i=1}^{n}$
是 $A $ 的特征值集合, $\{\mu_j \}_{j=1}^{n} $ 是 $B $ 的特征值集合,则有

$$ \begin{aligned}
& \mathrm{tr}(AB) = \sum^n_{i=1}\sum^n_{j=1}\langle Ae_i,Be_j\rangle \\
& = \sum^n_{i=1}\sum^n_{j=1}\langle \lambda_i e_i,\mu_j e_j\rangle \\
& = \sum^n_{i=1}\sum^n_{j=1}\lambda_i \mu_j \langle e_i,e_j\rangle \\
& = \sum^n_{i=1}\sum^n_{j=1}\lambda_i \mu_j \delta_{ij} \\
& = \sum^n_{i=1}\lambda_i \mu_i \\
& = \sum^n_{i=1}(-a_ib_i) \\
& \leqslant 0,

其中$a_i,b_i$分别是$\lambda_i,\mu_i$的虚部,$\delta_{ij}$是克罗内克符号,$\langle e_i,e_j\rangle$是向量内积。



1 生物化学 (Ch 19, 20.3)

1.1 生物分子

1.1.1 Macromolecule 生物大分子(生物分子中主要考试内容)

  1. Protein(蛋白质)
    1. 结构特点polymer,其monomeramino acid(氨基酸)
    2. 功能:能量/结构/功能物质
    3. amino acid:由一个C连接着一个Carboxyl(羟基),Hydrogen Atom(H),Amino Group(氨基)和一个Variable sidechain(R)。因此它是carboxylic acids
    4. 通过Condensation reaction形成peptide bond(肽键)连接起来形成Protein
    5. 氨基酸的性质由R决定,不同的R有不同的性质(原因:CarboxylAmino Group都经过Condensation reaction被缩合掉了)。不同的amino acid连接起来有着不同的空间结构导致不同的protein有着不同的性质
    6. 共性:Denaturation(失活):第三四级结构(空间结构)发生改变
    7. 大部分具有的性质(功能): biological catalysts(催化)— enzymes(酶,一定是大分子):蛋白质催化剂。
      1. 特点:具有很强的专一性,效率高,对环境要求苛刻。
      2. “锁和钥匙模型”。
      3. 重点词语:substrate(底物):被催化的对象;active site(活性部位):substrateenzyme结合的地方(钥匙齿儿)
    8. 蛋白质作为能量使用过程:蛋白质——拉直——水解——将amino group脱掉——呼吸作用
    9. 常见例子:
      1. protein: Hemoglobin(血红蛋白)
      2. amino acid: Glycine (甘氨酸,结构最简单)
  2. Carbohydrate(糖类)
    1. 结构特点:每个碳原子上以2:1的比例链接H和O, 因此并非所有的saccharide(糖类)均为carbohydrate
    2. 功能:结构/能量物质
    3. 分类:
      1. Monosaccharide(单糖)(不是生物大分子):结构简单,为monomer,可以直接被人体吸收,如glucode(葡萄糖)、fructose(果糖)、ribose(核糖)和desoxyribose(脱氧核糖)。
      2. Disaccharide(二糖)(不是生物大分子):由两个monosaccharide结合而成(condensation reaction),如saccharose(蔗糖)
      3. polysaccharide(多糖)(生物大分子):由多个monosaccharide结合而成,如strach(淀粉),glycogen(动物淀粉/糖原,动物体中主要储存能量物质),cellulose(纤维素,但无法被人体吸收)。
  3. Lipid(脂质)
    1. 没有固定的结构特点,不是Carbohydrate/Protein/Nuclear acid的生物大分子的总称。O少CH多(能量密度大)
    2. 功能:结构/能量/功能
    3. 常见脂质
      1. Triglyceride(fat)(甘油三脂):脂肪的基本形式。形成过程为Glycerol(甘油)+3 Fatty Acid(脂肪酸)经过condensation reaction变为Triglycoride + 3H2O,是ester(脂)。
      2. steroid(类固醇)(3个6C环和一个5C环)通过结合形成cholesterol(胆固醇),可以作为信号分子(功能)
      3. phospholipid(磷脂)(phosphoric acid(磷酸)+ 2 fatty acid(脂肪酸),是细胞膜重要组成成分(磷脂双分子层)
  4. Nuclear acid(核酸)
    1. 结构特点:为polymer,其monomer为nucleotide(核苷酸)
    2. 功能:功能型结构(储存遗传信息)
    3. nucleotide
      1. 结构特点:phosphate group(磷酸)+sugar(糖)+nitrogen-containing base(碱性含氮残片)。形成polymer时phosphate group中的OH和sugar中的H经过condensation reaction polymerization
      2. 常见的base有五种(AGCTU)
      3. 特异性结合:A-T(DNA)A-U(RNA)G-C(无论DNA还是RNA)

1.1.2 生物小分子

  1. Vitamine(维他命):有机,必须要有单生体无法合成只能通过吃才能获得的物质。分为两类:water-soluble(水溶性,B/C)/fat-soluble(油溶性,A/D/K等)
  2. coenzyme(辅酶):有机,很多vitamine都是coenzyme。如NAD/FAD
  3. 水和无机盐

1.2 Respiration(呼吸作用) & Fermentation(发酵)

  • 目的:将不能直接被生物所利用的能量变为直接可以利用的能量(ATP)
    • ATP-其中一个P断裂时方能为细胞供能-ADP-充能(respiration/fermentation)

1.2.1 Respiration

  1. 总反应方程:有机物+O2 –> CO2 + Energy + H2O
  2. 过程
    1. Glycolysis(糖酵解):glucose(葡萄糖)-> 2 pyruvate(丙酮酸盐),净获得 2ATP(2ATP将C6H12O6展开弄成两个pyruvate后“掰开”获得4ATP)
    2. Krebs Cycle(克雷布斯循环):pyruvate -> 3 CO2, NAD+变为NADH,FAD变为FADH2
    3. Electron transport chain(ETC)(电子传递链): NADH在氧气中变为NAD+,FADH2在氧气中变为FAD(类似于氢气在氧气中燃烧),产生近30个ATP,是生物体主要能量获取来源
  3. 特点: aerobic process(有氧),释放大量能量,反应彻底(completely reaction)

1.2.2 Fermentation

  1. 过程
    1. Glycolysis(糖酵解):glucose(葡萄糖)-> 2 pyruvate(丙酮酸盐),净获得 2ATP(2ATP将C6H12O6展开弄成两个pyruvate后“掰开”获得4ATP)


     1.Lactin acid fermentation: 将pyruvate变为lactin acid(乳酸),多有高等生物菌能进行)

     2. Alcoholic fermentation:将pyruvate变为alcohol(酒精)+ CO2,一部分原核生物进行。

  1. 特点:anaerobic process(厌氧),释放能量较少,反应不彻底,速度更快

1.2.3 两者异同

  1. 相同点:
    1. 目的相同:将glucose中的能量转化为ATP;
    2. 第一个stage(glycolysis)相同
  2. 不同点:
    1. respiration:耗氧(aerobic),效率更高,但速度慢(进行一次respiration时间长)
    2. fermentation:厌氧(anaerobic),效率更低,但速度快(进行一次的fermentation时间短)

1.3 Photosynthesis(光合作用)

  1. 目的:将太阳能(光能)转化为生物(化学)能
  2. 总反应方程:CO2+太阳能 -> glucose + O2
  3. 过程
    1. Light reaction(光反应):准备ATP(ADP+P -> ATP),准备NADPH(NADP+ -> NADPH),氧气为副产物(具体过程了解即可不做重点考察)
      1. Photosynthesis II:光子将H2O变为H+, e-(高能电子), O。其中:O结合产生O2做为副产物, e-(高能电子)给ADP充能(将ADP+P变为ATP)变为 e-(低能电子)
      2. Photosynthesis I: 光子给 e-(低能电子)充能,与H+, NADP+结合形成NADPH
    2. Calvin cycle(Dark reactionreaction)(开尔文循环/暗反应):一次Calvin cycle形成1个高能量多电子三碳结构,完成两次形成一个高能六碳结构(葡萄糖)。在此过程中,ATP->ADP+P(供能量),NADPH->NADP+(供电子)(具体过程了解即可不做重点考察)
      1. 三次【 CO2 + C5 -> C6(不稳定)-> 2 C3(低能量,少电子)-> 2 C3(高能量,多电子,来自ATP和NADPH)】-> 6 C3 -> C3(高能产物) + 3 C5(ATP变为ADP+P)
  4. 意义:光合作用是指物体能量的主要来源,像整个生态系统提供能量(因此说能量的最终来源是太阳能)
  5. 重点词汇:chloroplast(叶绿体,光合作用的场所),chlorophyll(叶绿素,一种物质,光合作用必须的催化剂)

2 元素化学 (Ch 8)

  • 主要关注结论,原因了解即可。

2.1 Main group element(主族元素)

  • 主要内容为一个主族中的共性,具体的单个元素的细节不做重点考察,只是会考重点。但Na,Mg,Al氢氧化物碱性强弱,碘的升华将会重点考察,因为做过相关实验。

2.1.1 共性

  1. Group 1(alkali metals,碱金属): 最外层电子结构ns1,常见价为+1。除H外银白色,有韧性,硬度较软,反应活性强的元素(易失电子,金属性强)。和水反应生成碱性溶液,如:
    $$2Na(s) + 2H_2 O(l) → 2NaOH(aq) + H_2(g)$$
  2. Group 2 (alkaline earth metal, 碱土金属): 最外层电子结构ns2,常见价为+2.
  3. Group 13: 最外层电子结构ns2np1,常见价为+3.
  4. Group 14: 最外层电子结构ns2np2,较为稳定,外围半满,更倾向于与其他原子共享电子而非得失电子.常见价为+4,较少见也有-4,理论上氧化数可从+4到-4。
  5. Group 15: 最外层电子结构ns2np3,理论上氧化数可从+5到-3
  6. Group 16: 最外层电子结构ns2np4,常见价为-2,有时候也有+6,理论上氧化数可从+6到-2
  7. Group 17 (hylogenes,卤族元素):最外层电子结构ns2np5,常见价为-1,理论上氧化数可从-1到+7。均具有一定的可溶性,具有极强的夺电子能力。
    1. X2都具有oxidizing properties(氧化性,夺电子的能力),并且按照从上往下氧化性越弱(shelding effect)。电子吸引力的递变
    2. HX均为酸,且酸性越来越强(因为均为covalent bond,长度越长、力越小,更容易释放H)。原子尺度的递变
    3. AgX既不溶于水也不溶于算,溶解性逐渐下降(分子极性减弱,化学键从ironic bond变为covalent bond)。EN值的递变(化学键的递变)
  8. Group 18(noble gases,惰性气体):最外层电子结构ns2np6,结构稳定,通常不反应,作为保护气

2.1.2 递变性

得失电子 EN值 金属性 原子大小
从左往右 得电子能力增加 增加 减小 减小
从右往左 得电子能力减弱 见效 增加 增加
  • 离子半径:阳离子小,阴离子大(阳离子比原原子少一层电子,阴离子比原原子增加电子,斥力增加)
  • 氢氧化物酸碱性:金属性越强越碱,非金属性越强越酸(金属性越强,失电子能力越强,越容易释放OH而不是H)

2.1.3 Na,Mg,Al氢氧化物碱性强弱

  • 因为碱性强弱和金属性有关,金属性越强碱性越强,而金属性强代表易失电子

2.2 Transition elements(过渡元素)

  1. 总体而言熔点比主族元素熔点高(period 12除外)(填充内层电子,相互吸引力强,大概在第五/六个时最强(电子自旋))
  2. 原子半径同样从左向右逐渐减小,但是减小的幅度小于主族中的趋势,因为填充内层轨道会增加斥力对外层斥力
  3. 三组特别的过渡元素
    1. iron triad:铁钴镍,熔点高硬度大具有磁性(也被叫做黑色金属)
    2. platinum group(铂族元素):iron triad下面两行共六个元素。稀有,可以作为催化剂,贵金属。
    3. coinage elements:铜银金,化学性质相对稳定

2.3 Inner-transition elements(内过渡元素)

  1. 曾经被称为稀土元素,从f层还是填充电子

3 热学计算 (Ch 10, 11)

3.1 The Kinetic Theroy of Matter(热动理论)

3.1.1 Physical Behavior of Matter (物质的物理行为)

  1. Brownian motion(布朗运动):微小的物体连续无规则运动的物理现象。注意和分子热运动进行区分,描述对象并非微观粒子,是微笑的宏观例子。原因是因为物体越小,物体被旁边分子进行无规则运动撞击越明显(周围的分子更有可能同时像一个方向对该物体撞击)。

  2. Solid(固体,尤指晶体)运动模型:粒子间相对结构单元固定,每一个微观粒子都有相对确定的位置,导致宏观上有确定的形状。这个结构单元被称之为crystall lattice(晶格)。晶格模型

  3. liquid(液体)运动模型:微观可移动位置导致宏观无形状,但哦有相对确切的体积。可移位尽在液体溅,液体边界分子出液体需要较大能量,不容易出去(evaporation(蒸发)为宏观现象,但效率低)。磁球模型

  4. gas(气体)运动模型:具有流动性,无确切体积,分子间相互作用力无法约束,动能很强。

    1. ideal gas model(理想气体模型)–不黏不占(不是具体的气体,只是一种模型
      1. 分子间是elastic collision(弹性碰撞),无能量损耗(要求:分子间吸引力几乎忽略不计,不黏)。
      2. 气体分子体积本身忽略不计(不占)。
    2. 气体压强:气体无规则持续撞击容器壁
  5. 其他物质的运动模型

    1. Amorphous solid(非晶体):晶格不完整或排列不整齐(如:玻璃)。微观无序导致宏观无确切熔点。

    2. liquid crystals (液晶):微观粒子某些唯独被束缚,某些没有。晶格在形成是一边或两边被拉伸,常见为长方形或纺锤形,多用在电子显示屏。

    3. plasma(等离子体):离子化的气体(ionized gas),带电,可以导电。

3.1.2 Energy and Changes of state(能量和物态变化)

  1. 温度衡量一个物体的平均动能,呈正比例关系,温度越高,平均动能越大
  2. 温度最低为0K,K为Kalvin scale(开尔文温度)。0K为绝对零度,-273.15摄氏度。换算方法:
    $$ T/K = T/^{\circ}C+273.15 $$
  3. 分子动能和质量/温度有关(稀薄时主要看温度,稠密时主要看质量),质量/温度越高,分子动能越大。相同温度下微观粒子平均动能相同,但是速率不同(因为分子质量不同)。
  4. 物态变化
    1. evaporation(蒸发):在液体表面
      1. 有关因素
        1. 增加液体温度,表面分子有足够的动能能够脱离分子间相互作用力(因此温度越高动能增加,高于逃逸速度离子数量增加,更容易蒸发)增比例
        2. 增加表面积,粒子数量增加,同比例下满足粒子增加 增基数
        3. 表面速度升高,避免蒸发过后的气体分子无规则运动(液化)会液体(用干燥的风吹)
      2. vapor pressure(蒸气压):蒸发和液化达到平衡时气体的压强。同种液体,温度越高,蒸气压越大。
      3. Boiling Point(沸点):液体的vapor pressure与其表面所受到的压力大小相等时的温度。蒸气压超过大气压导致企业不平衡导致沸腾。
        1. 增加外界压力,需要更高的蒸气压才能超过,非典增高。
        2. 水中增加盐等杂质,覆盖在气液界面上,有想面基降低,蒸发速率减小,蒸气压减小,升到100摄氏度时无法超过1atm,沸点升高。
    2. sublimation(升华):固体表面的粒子不需融化直接飞出来形成气体的过程(如碘)
    3. condensation(液化):气体的粒子间距离缩小从而聚在一起形成液体的过程。汽化反过程。
    4. deposition(凝华):凝华是气体的粒子间距离缩得极小从而聚在一起形成固体的过程。升华的反过程。

3.2 Gas

3.2.1 Gas pressure(大气压强)

  1. 气体压强成因:气体粒子无规则运动持续撞击容器壁造成压强,和温度和气体粒子数量有关。
  2. 测量方法:Barometer(水银压力计)和Pressure gauge(气压阀)。Pressure gauge测量的是相对气压,abolute pressurethe gauge pressure+the barometric pressure(大气压+示数)
  3. 常见单位:1 atm = 101.3 kPa = 760 mmHg = 14.7 psi(磅/平方英寸,该单位不考)

3.2.2 Gas Law

  • 气体状态参数:表叔气体某一方面的参数,如温度。无法单独改变,总是协同改变
  1. Boyle's Law(波义耳定律):气压和体积成反比。温度不变时,气压越大,体积越小

$$ (pV)_{T,n}=C(T,n)$$

  1. Charles's Law(查尔斯定律):温度和体积成正比。气压不变时,温度越高,体积越大


  1. Combined Gas Law(结合气体定律):Boyle’s Law和 Charles’s Law的结合


  1. The Law of Combining Gas Volumes(气体化合体积定律):体积与分子总量成正比。等温等压,增加气体分子个数,气体体积增加。$$(\frac{V}{n})_{T,p}=C(T,p)$$

    1. Standard tempreture and pressure(STP): 0摄氏度(273.17K)+1atm
    2. Avogadro's principle(阿伏伽德罗定律):等温等压下,气体体积一定,分子个数也一定
  2. Ideal Gas Law(理想气体定律)


3.3 化学计量学计算

  1. mole(摩尔):数量单位,为6.02*1023。1g=6.02*1023amu
  2. molar mass(摩尔质量):一摩尔纯净的该物质的质量
  3. amount of substance(物质的量):$$ n=\frac{m}{M}$$,其中namount of substancemmass(质量,单位为g),Mmolar mass(摩尔质量,单位为g·mol-1
  4. molar volume(摩尔体积):在STP下任何气体体积为22.4L
  5. 理论产值和实际产值:$$precent\ yield = (\frac{Actual\ yield}{Theoretical\ yield})\times 100%$$

3.3.1 计算格式要求

  1. 列原理公式(首先列出使用的公式)
  2. 列方程(根据题目要求的条件列出符合题目的方程)
  3. 解方程(找出方程中需要求的未知量,字母运算把它先解出来)
  4. 代数据(根据解出来的方程带单位代入数据)
  5. 出单位(根据代入的量的单位,先推出最终结果的单位)
  6. 出答案(根据代入的量的数值,算出最终的答案,注意单位换算时的数值变化,结尾保留两位小数(在高一)一定对)

A brief history of classical mechanics

   Nearly all middle school students seemed to have learned classical mechanics in their schools. What is classical mechanics? “Classical mechanics is the study of the motion of bodies under the action of physical forces. As is true for any physical model, classical mechanics is an approximation and has its limits - it breaks down at small scales, high speeds, and large gravitational fields - but within its range of applicability (which includes pretty much every single phenomenon in everyday life) it is useful” (Idema). In secondary school, all students learn Newton’s law of motion and the law of gravitation. These two are crucial concepts in classical mechanics. Thus, how do classical mechanics hold? Is it as important as it’s written in the book? At least in my opinion, I reckon that classical mechanics has played a crucial role in human development by making people pay attention to the nature of matter and the capabilities of the universe, making people realize that experiments are just as important or even more important than theoretical reasoning, and profoundly changed the human world, both intellectually and materially.

   The study of the motion of objects is an ancient discipline, making classical mechanics one of the oldest and largest disciplines in science, engineering, and technology. In Antiquity, some people began to study the motion of objects. The ancient Greek philosophers, especially Aristotle, were among the first to suggest that abstract principles governed nature. In his book On the Heavens (de Caelo), Aristotle argued that the Earth’s celestial bodies rise or fall to their “natural positions” and stated a correct approximation law that the speed of an object’s fall is proportional to its weight and inversely proportional to the density of the fluid it falls on (Carlo). Aristotle saw a difference between “natural motion” and “forced motion”, arguing that “in the void”, which means a vacuum, objects at rest will remain at rest, and objects in motion will continue to have the same motion. In this way, Aristotle was the first to approach the law of inertia. His views on the physical sciences profoundly influenced medieval scholarship that extended far into the Renaissance (Cline). There is also a tradition dating back to ancient Greece, where mathematics was used to analyze stationary or moving objects, which can be traced back to the work of some Pythagoreans. Additional examples of this tradition include Euclid (on equilibrium), Archimedes (on plane equilibrium, on floating bodies), and Hero (mechanics). Later, Islamic and Byzantine scholars worked based on these works, which were eventually reintroduced or used in the West during the 12th century and the Renaissance. However, these studies were only imaginary, not experimental. As a result, many of the conclusions were wrong. But it has to be said that it was because of them that people began to study the motion of objects. Without their initial imagination, without their thinking about how things move, perhaps classical mechanics would not have been established, and even physics would not have been established. After all, no one would have thought about the nature of matter, and how the universe was established.

   Over time, some scientists have come to realize that conclusions cannot be drawn from imagination alone. One of the significant people in classical mechanics was Galileo Galilei. He carried out quantitative experiments by rolling a ball on an inclined plane. His correct theory of accelerated motion seemingly derived from experimental results (Palmieri 2003). Galileo also discovered that objects falling vertically hit the ground at the same time as those projected horizontally so that a uniformly rotating Earth would still have things falling to the ground under gravity. More importantly, it asserts that constant motion is indistinguishable from rest, and thus forms the basis of relativity. He was the first person in classical mechanics and in the whole history of mechanics to use experiments to demonstrate. He taught people the importance of experiments when studying theoretical physics. He pioneered the use of experiments to demonstrate. It’s fair to say that if he hadn’t started to do experiments, people would still be discussing theories on paper rather than getting data from experiments and drawing conclusions based on the data. Aristotle gave people the idea to study the nature of the world, so to speak. Galileo pushed people and showed them how to study the nature of the world.

   Another influential person in classical mechanics is Sir Isaac Newton. In 1687, his work, The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (hereinafter referred to as Principia), was first published. In Principia, Newton laid out the laws of motion and gravity on which he built a major scientific concept that was later replaced by relativity (Newton). In addition, in Principia, both Newton’s second and third laws are given proper scientific and mathematical treatment (Thornton). He also explained the cosmic system according to the laws that had been discovered and analyzed the observed celestial data, such as how satellites move around planets, how planets move around the sun, and how comets’ orbits are determined (Schmitz). At the same time, he also observed and analyzed the free fall and projectile motion of objects on the ground, which for the first time combined the movement of the earth and the celestial body. Newton differed from earlier attempts to explain similar phenomena, which were either incomplete, incorrect, or did not give accurate mathematical expressions, but Newton gave a more complete expression. The combination of Newton’s laws of motion and gravitation provides the most complete and accurate description of classical mechanics (Thornton). Moreover, he proved that these laws applied not only to everyday objects, but also to celestial bodies, and in particular theoretically explained Kepler’s laws of planetary motion. His logic is rigorous, the structure is rigorous, and through observation and experiment, the formation of a complete scientific system. The establishment of classical mechanics laid a solid foundation for the development of the whole natural science, established the basic concepts and basic laws of mechanics, made mechanics become a systematic theoretical knowledge system, and gradually matured and perfect. Classical mechanics not only describes the movement of objects, but also reveals the reasons for the movement of objects so that people can understand how objects move, explain why things move, and enable people to improve the description of the motion state of things from the result of the change to the understanding of the process of change, which greatly changes people’s understanding and view of the world. Last but not least, the combination of classical mechanics and engineering practice, the establishment of applied mechanics, such as hydraulics, mechanics of materials, structural mechanics, etc. River damming, bridge building, and modern means of transportation, such as trains, automobiles, and airplanes, all of these are subject to classical mechanics, and it is because of the discovery of classical mechanics that it is possible to build high-precision machinery. Not only that, but the theories of classical mechanics also apply to the exploration of the universe. Because Newton unified the movements of heaven and earth, people were able to explore the universe through mathematical methods. And even later, people were launching satellites into outer space, building rockets, and so on using Newton’s theories, using the whole of classical mechanics. This greatly promoted the development of human society.

   All in all, after about two thousand years of development, the edifice of classical mechanics has been built. From Aristotle to Galileo, from Newton to Einstein, generations of scientists have never stopped searching for the truth. They devoted their whole lives to physics. In the process of classical mechanics research, the most important thing is not the content of the research, but how to conduct the research: asking questions and guesses, conducting experiments, theorizing, and concluding, which is one of the most important contributions of classical mechanics. Of course, it cannot be denied that, despite the limitations of classical mechanics, it can only be discussed at a macro-low speed, classical mechanics theory do have made great contributions to people’s production and life. The theories of physics are not unified yet, but there may soon be a mature theory to unify physics.

Works Cited

Aristotle. On the Heavens (de Caelo) book 13.

Aristotle. Physics Book 4 On motion in a void.

Barbour, J. B. The Discovery of Dynamics: A Study from a Machian Point of View of the Discovery and the Structure of Dynamical Theories. Oxford University Press, 2001.

Cline, Douglas. Variational Principles in Classical Mechanics. River Campus Libraries, 2018

Idema, Timon. “1: Introduction to Classical Mechanics.” Nov 6, 2020, <> , Accessed 30 Nov. 2022.

Palmieri, Paolo. Mental models in Galileo’s early mathematization of nature, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A. 34 (2): 229–264.

Raymond, A. Serway and Cheis, Vuille. College Physics Ninth Edition. Cengage Learning, 2011.

Rovelli, Carlo. Aristotle’s Physics: A Physicist’s Look. Journal of the American Philosophical Association, 2015.

Schmitz, Kenneth S. Physical Chemistry: Multidisciplinary Applications in Society. Elsevier, 2018.

Steele, J. M. Steele. Reading the Principia: The Debate on Newton’s Mathematical Methods for Natural Philosophy from 1687 to 1736. 1 Apr. 2010.

Thornton, S. T. and Marion, J. B. Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems. Cengage Learning, 2021.

Thornton, Stephen T., and Jerry B. Marion. Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems. Brooks/Cole, 2004.

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